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Discussion paper

This paper brings together the latest on digital learning and transformation.

Key Issues/Strands

  • Digital transformation of education systems
  • Connectivity/narrowing digital divide; inclusive/assistive technologies
  • Free, open and high-quality digital education content
  • Digital citizenship, well-being, privacy and security
Thematic Focus Area 4: Digital learning and transformation

Comments (26)

Piero Dominici
Piero Dominici

#Educating for the #Future …

“Healing the fracture between the Human and the Technological”**


“The strategic role of #Education”

“The evolutionary process of the social ecosystems is advancing towards a redefinition of the relationships and asymmetries, bringing forth the need for a “new social contract”#quote

👉 in EJFR,

💥🌎 And I share also…

🌎 “Education is a #HumanRight not a privilege!

“Education is not a privilege but - I would add - until now it has been. (Always taking care not to confuse 'education' and 'indoctrination') (quote)

💥”our educational systems have internalized a pseudo-scientific, zero-sum dogma that everything we learn, do, or learn to do must be useful in some way; must be measured, evaluated, & certified as something that will produce concrete results or provide economic returns”(quote)

💥I sincerely hope it will be of interest to you: this article takes up hypotheses and theses of work and research developed over the years, subjecting the educational models and paradigms that have become hegemonic in recent decades to a critique that is not simple and articulate.

💥 Paradigms that risk condemning us to inadequacy and cultural backwardness, also with reference to the so-called digital revolution. I have been and am among the very few scholars and researchers to support this - I still do - even at an international level. Happy reading and good research, with the wish for new scientific collaborations.

💥 Starting with my definition 'Democracy is complexity' (quote) which I proposed back in the mid-1990s.

🌎 “The weak link of democracy and the challenges of educating toward global citizenship. Prospects (2022). UNESCO

Here’s the link:

Education is a #HumanRight, not a privilege!

Springer Nature Group Education2030UN ➡️ Transforming Education
#SDG4 #TransformingEducation #TransformingEducationSummit #SkillsForLife #LifelongLearning #LetMeLearn #ParadigmShift #NewSocialContract #SDGs #EducatingForTheFuture #CriticalThinking #Complexity #SystemicVision #Transdisciplinarity #international #cooperation #networking


An approach and research since 1995

🤝🌎🤝 Thank you all for the interesting contents and comments! I hope we can keep in touch for this and other important projects and actions with a global and inclusive perspective.


CHAOS, International Research and Education Programme

Piero Dominici
Piero Dominici

Thanks for all contents and sharing!

You can see also:

🍀”The Digital Mockingbird: Anthropological Transformation and the “New Nature”, in World Futures.The Journal of New Paradigm, Routhledge, Taylor & Francis, Feb. 2022.

“ Within a world-system characterized by processes and dynamics whose interconnections and interdependencies increase exponentially each day, we are passing through an extremely delicate and complex phase of global mutation. What we are witnessing is a radical overturn of the complex interaction between natural (biological) and cultural evolution. The ongoing paradigm shift and profound anthropological transformation create new dimensions, openings, epistemological implications that require new thinking and new thought, as well as different approaches and methods. We are the constitutive elements of a “new” Nature, from a structural, ontological and substantial point of view, in need of a New Humanism that must re-define certain categories (humanity, identity, dignity, Person, values, rights, etc.) in order to succeed in rethinking “being human” within a renewed and complex relationship with the ecosystems. The grand illusions of the hypertechnological civilization: rationality, control, measurability, predictability, and elimination of error; are reinforced systematically by the carte blanche delegated to technique/technology, reintroducing reductionist and deterministic approaches, analyses and explanations, exclusively based on technical knowledge and skills: that is, those which are guaranteed to best support precisely these very illusions. It is precisely this attitude which prevents us from being prepared, which dooms us to an eternal apprehension of black swans, little aware that our very lives are emergency; that they are infinite sequences of black swans.

The present-day obsession with doing, designing, studying, and funding only what is “useful,” the insistent search for control and certainty in order to cling onto an illusory sensation of familiarity and reassurance in the face of the radical unpredictability and variability inherent to life and reality (“tyranny of concreteness”).

With the advent of artificial intelligence, it has become of the utmost importance to reflect upon the relationship/interaction between man and machine, and the dangers posed by pursuing the simulation of human thought”
#PeerReviewed Routhledge #research #transdisciplinarity #education #AI #FutureofEducation #ComplexSystems #EducationForAll #PeerReviewed  

🌎 Pdf…

🍀 ”La Gran Equivocación: Replantear la educación y la formación virtual para la “sociedad hipercompleja”, in “Comunicación y Hombre”.Número 18. Año 2022



An approach and research since 1995

Piero Dominici
Piero Dominici

Transforming Education Summit...#TES2022 🌎

Here we go...💥

#TransformingEducation #TransformingEducationSummit #LetMeLearn #RightToEducation #QualityEducation #SkillsForLife

Thank you all for the interesting contents and comments! I hope we can keep in touch for this and other important projects and actions with a global perspective.

🌎📬👉 My email:

And, on this occasion, I (again) share…

#TransformingEducation #TransformingEducationSummit #HybridFigures #ParadigmShift #RightToEducation #QuotetheAuthors

I share some excerpts…

“For many years, while respecting everyone's visions/opinions, I have always been one of the very few critics (both in popular and scientific publications), I have always seen and defined STEM Paradigm as the “new reductionist paradigm” (a hegemonic paradigm, nowadays, also because of the many interests at stake); in fact, I have always spoken of it in terms of the 'STEM doctrine'; (Please…#QuotetheAuthors)

it is part of the overall vision that aims to build democracies (?) dominated by technocracy and hyper-specialised technocrats. Scientific and technological education is essential, but it is not sufficient for what I have called a 'hyper-complex society'.

🌎👉 I would add: we need not to confuse education with indoctrination or the transmission of notions - as is unfortunately often the case.

👉 I have taken the same critical stance with regard to so-called 'digital education' and the whole issue that, for this hyper-technological civilisation, only 'digital skills' are needed: they are important, fundamental, but by pursuing only these goals we are off track as the recent pandemic has also shown us”

🌎👉We need a systemic vision and a renewed dialogue and contamination between knowledge and skills.

🌎 👉We do not need, indeed we must get rid of them as soon as possible, “old and new logics of separation and confinement of knowledge and skills”(quote).

“The great mistake, the overturn, and the need for hybrid figures**”

The biggest danger we are facing is due to the fact that we have given carte blanche to technology, in the mistaken belief that technology (in particular, the web) can solve any problem, including the capacity to bring politics and citizens back together. The “great mistake” (Dominici, 1996) being made by the hypertechnological civilization today, in fact, is precisely that of believing that education and culture (in particular, digital education and digital culture(s) can be solved by delegating everything to technical competence, speed, and simulation, to the “new” technologies of connection and the new ecosystems of communication, and hence that the kind of education and/or training that is needed today is purely technical and/or technological, solely a problem of “skills” and “know-how” and nothing more, which is the exact opposite of what we so desperately need. This kind of mentality will continue to reinforce the dramatic fracture that has separated studies in the humanities from studies in scientific fields, whereas the figures we need in order to educate for a global future are hybrid figures (Dominici, 1996, 2018, 2020).

Hybrid figures** who are aware of and open to the contamination among fields of knowledge and skills, hybrid figures who have completed educational itineraries based on interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity, designed to shape critical and elastic minds at every level, hybrid figures who are capable of recognizing complexity and connections, of evaluating the open architecture(s) of reality, and of perceiving limits and borders as opportunities for growth and experimentation.

Although today everyone is talking about contamination, hybridization, and elastic minds, at this point, it needs to be underlined that the concept of hybrid figures, developed by this author through years of study and research, is diametrically opposed to the hegemonic paradigms currently espoused in most spheres of higher education, supported in this delicate phase of transition by the media and the global system of communication, and generously funded by corporations and industries.

These paradigms, which call for the “hybridization of knowledge” (as defined by enlightened minds at MIT and other great American universities, technological institutions, and centers) propose a required base in information technology for degrees in all disciplines as the fundamental basis for life and work in tomorrow’s world. It is difficult to deny that the MIT model is founded on a deterministic, reductionist vision of education (Figure 1). Based on AI, programming, automation, and simulation, with lip service to the humanities, it offers a “technological innovation without culture” (Dominici, 2003). It is similar to what is known as the STEM doctrine, which dictates that the main focus of education should be on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (hence the acronym from the initials of these four words).

This technocratic vision of society, based exclusively on science, technique, and progress, is part of the abovementioned “great mistake” and can lead nowhere else but to a neo-positivistic dystopia. Of course, it is the European Commission itself that recommends guidelines founded on information technology, digital education, and hyper-specialized technicians, where citizenship is only an issue of digital citizenship. Where only skills—above all digital skills—without knowledge, without awareness of epistemological premises, and completely lacking a “culture of complexity” are to be taught; what counts for the European Commission, apparently, is only computational thinking, in which the focus is on “how to” but never “why”).


Therefore, among the preconditions of a new humanism is the recovery of the complex dimensions of educational complexity: “healing the fracture” between the human and the technological; rethinking the complex interaction/synthesis between natural and artificial; and rethinking educational processes from a necessarily systemic, socio-emotional perspective. Another is the construction of a “culture of error” (Dominici, 1996, 2010, 2016, 2017a, 2017c), teaching unpredictability and fostering the awareness that this is the fundamental element of our being human, not only of complex systems.

Likewise, awareness of our incompleteness, of our limits and vulnerabilities—even in the framework of a renewed complex synthesis with technique/technology—to help support our fragilities and inadequacies and rediscover a humanism that has been purged of the ideology that saw the environment and ecosystems as mere instruments at our disposal is thus fundamental.

Far from being a consequence of the kind of healing unity being advocated, however, is the gradual drifting we are witnessing in our modern times toward a dismal flattening-out of controversy, an artificial reduction of debate and dissent, due to an almost pathological fear of any kind of conflict, which seems to be spreading further and further every day. But without conflict, criticism, disagreement, and debate, there can be no educational process; no achievement of critical thinking; and above all, no democracy, global or otherwise.

Democracy, it should be obvious at this point, is complexity (Dominici, 1996). It can never be standardization, hetero-direction (Riesman, 1948), or conformism to a dominant point of view or narrative, however desirable or rational the latter may appear. It should be added here that another illusion that is wreaking damage on our society today is the ingenuous belief that more information, more connections, more and faster digital networks in this age of access / knowledge society (Benkler, 2006; Hess & Ostrom, 2007; Himanen, 2001; Rifkin, 2000) make our decisions and our procedures more rational. Yet all of this is nothing more than an example of limited rationality (Simon, 1947, 1959, 1962, 1997).

Conflict and debate, when undertaken with respect for the opinions of others, are the very basis of that kind of education, based on the understanding of the value of error and doubt, that form creative and analytical minds, and should be carried out without forgetting that uncertainty is the underlying condition of human life, practicing an “epistemology of uncertainty” (Morin, 1973, 1980, 1986, 1991, 2001, 2004). We may strive to limit uncertainty as much as possible, but it will always be present, and at the end of the day, cohabitation with uncertainty is inevitable: “Uncertainty is the natural habitat of human life—although it is the hope of escaping uncertainty that is the engine of human pursuits.” (Bauman, 2008, p. 14 of introduction).

What is called for, in order to incorporate uncertainty and complexity into a new approach on the part of both citizenship and governance, based on “systems thinking”, are long-term policies in which plain citizens, educators, managers, and political decision makers can learn to cope with the unexpected, rather than recurring to ad hoc reactions and measures taken when emergencies loom. This kind of behavior amounts to a “culture of emergency” (Dominici, 2003), in which authorities and experts limit themselves to repeating slogans rather than actuating strategies- and to simply playing things by ear in an erratic and irrational manner, treating events as though they were simply occasional “black swans” rather than intrinsic aspects of the complexity of our ecosystem. Never has it become clearer how unprepared we are for coping with emergency; never have our inadequacies and superficial short-term politics been more obvious than in the face of a global emergency, such as the 2020 appearance of the Covid-19 pandemic, during which severely underfunded/defunded healthcare systems, media coverage based on fear rather than logic and reassurance, and an extremely punitive form of moral blame placed squarely and exclusively on the shoulders of the citizens brutally revealed the lack of systems thinking and coordination of our global civilization.

The result has been a series of emergency measures, many of which were enacted without compensation or consideration in terms of economic suffering and cognitive/psychological distress, leading to a decline in solidarity, cooperation, and reunselfishness on the part of citizens. And once again, digital technology has been proposed as the exclusive means by which all problems will be “virtually” solved, through a magical process of simplification” (to be continued”

🌎👉 Dominici, P. “The weak link of democracy and the challenges of educating toward global citizenship”. Prospects (2022). UNESCO

Here’s the link:

Springer Nature - #PeerReviewed


You can see also:

💥🌎 “The Digital Mockingbird: Anthropological Transformation and the “New Nature”, in World Futures.The Journal of New Paradigm, Routhledge, Taylor & Francis, Feb. 2022.
#PeerReviewed Routhledge #research #transdisciplinarity #education #AI #FutureofEducation #ComplexSystems #EducationForAll #PeerReviewed  

👉 Pdf…

💥🌎 3.”La Gran Equivocación: Replantear la educación y la formación virtual para la “sociedad hipercompleja”, in “Comunicación y Hombre”.Número 18. Año 2022



💥🌎 4.”Beyond the Darkness of our Age. For a Non-Mechanistic View of Complex Organization as Living Organisms” in RTSA

👉 #PeerReviewed

(To be continued) SEE BELOW…

An approach and research since 1995

#QuotetheAuthors #FutureOfEducation #ParadigmShift #TransformingEducation #transdisciplinarity #TransformingEducationSummit #NewSocialContract #SDGs #SDG4 #RightToEducation #citizenship #democracy #RethinkingEducation #ComplexSystems #complexity #unpredictability #HumanSecurity #SustainableDevelopment #international #cooperation #networking #UNESCO #WAAS #CHAOS_International_Project


🌎👉I share again with pleasure…

“Hyper-technological society? There’s no need for technicians, but for hybrid figures**”


🌎 👉 I would like to take this opportunity to recall that I proposed the concept and operational definition of 'Hybrid Figures' in the mid-1990s (Dominici, 1995-1996).

🍀 Concepts and operational definitions, studies and researches, that have often been 'pointed out' (also in English) and taken up without citations and bibliographical references.

🍀 Concepts and operational definitions are often misinterpreted (👉 e.g. the "hybrid figures" are not "experts in/of everything", as I have been trying to repeat for over twentyfive years, on the contrary!)

An approach and research since 1995


“For an Inclusive Innovation. Healing the fracture between the Human and the Technological” Springer Education

💥 👉 “Anthropological Transformation and the “New Nature”, in “World Futures.The Journal of New Paradigm”, Routhledge, Taylor & Francis, Feb. 2022.
#PeerReviewed Routhledge

#research #transdisciplinarity #education #AI #FutureofEducation #ComplexSystems #EducationForAll #PeerReviewed

👉 Link to Pdf…

#EducationForAll #Education #Complexity #SystemsThinking #QuoteTheAuthors #communication #digitalhumanities ‬#UNESCO #FutureofEducation #HybridFigures #ParadigmShift #MentalShift #Transdisciplinarity #FalseDichotomies ** #SDGs #SDG4 #DigitalTransformation #DigitalAnthropology #AnthropologicalTransformation #TES2022

Abdennasser Naji
Abdennasser Naji

Today, the question is not to know if digital provides advantages to education systems, but rather how we can benefit from it and face its rapid growth, which impacts not only educational resources, curricula and modes of governance, but especially the teaching and learning process. Thanks to digital technology, both students’ data and their learning progress can be measured in real time. This revolutionary change has changed the way schools and universities will fulfil their missions.

Justice for All
Justice for All

In the TES Summit, participation seems largely limited to this sort of online exchange rather than direct engagement, mirroring some of the negative aspects of online learning. Technology today obviously replaces human relationship building with convenience, Transparency is replaced with a surveillance technology that is potentially a hazard for free speech. In fact, trends on technology are one factor in the struggle to maintain healthy democratic societies and resist the rise of authoritarian regimes.

One constructive suggestion: please do not forget those in areas where the government has shut down the internet. This will obviously ruin long distance learning. There are many examples, from India to the Russian invasion. I think of how the Bangladesh Government shut access to internet or mobile phones for Rohingya refugees living in Cox's Bazar, affecting over 540,000 children-- no access to school.

Carine Diaz
Carine Diaz

At Learning Equality, we’ve been developing free, open source, offline-first, equitable and student-centered edtech tools for the past 9 years. We particularly appreciate the focus on digital learning as part of the Transforming Education Summit, as it’s aligned with our ongoing commitment to the three core principles outlined on this Track 4 to ensure deeper transformations that will strengthen education at all levels.

All our end-to-end solutions are created, iterated and tested with community members through a feedback loop approach that is centered at meeting unique needs from the different contexts where we work across the globe. Our flagship learning platform, Kolibri, does not require the Internet nor any fees or licenses to be used, and via a flexible and easy-to-use offline-first access and distribution model, it can reach the most remote and often underserved communities.

We applaud the recent efforts to provide universal internet connectivity, especially for schools across the globe, but we also acknowledge that this will continue to take time and resources, and while it’s not fully materialized, students in low-resource, and no-to-low connectivity areas risk falling further and further behind. That is the reality we’re working to transform: We can leverage the Internet when it exists in creative and seamless ways, but not having access to connectivity should not exclude learners from quality learning materials and experiences.

The track’s focus on open content is particularly motivating, as we also support the creation and distribution of quality OERs, especially those that are locally created, and in languages other than English. We continue to expand and maintain a public digital library of OER resources that contain approximately 159,000 resources (videos, HTML5 Apps, audios, storybooks, ePubs, exercises and documents) in varied subject areas, languages and grade levels. The potential to remix and reuse OERs is powerful and should have increasing focus, and of particular importance is aligning OER to national curricula which we enable via our open source curricular tool, Kolibri Studio. We also continue to develop public goods to facilitate this process, along with organizations such as UNHCR and the Edtech Hub, and have been committed to developing tooling that will automate aspects of the curriculum alignment process (

Lastly, we strongly believe innovations in pedagogy and evidence-based instructional practice at scale must include those who have historically been excluded from being represented in learning engineering and other blended learning pedagogical practices, because data from learners and educators living in ‘last mile’ contexts, are usually not available or not accounted for by researchers and learning engineers leading the field.
To mitigate this, we’ve developed an offline data synchronization mechanism so that learning data from these contexts can be collected, aggregated and made available to inform future program design and pedagogical practices in a truly inclusive and equitable manner. The Internet does not need to be the primary motivating factor when considering low and high education technology, and we need to think outside the box of what is possible (

Equity is at the core of everything we do, which is why we believe that quality edtech solutions need to be available that support learning for all. To further the focus of these three recommendations in the discussion paper, we also encourage consideration of the following points, to inform future policies and investments:

Upskilling educators in the use of digital technology so that they can feel confident in adopting new educational tools and blending pedagogical technology practices into their pedagogical teaching practices.

Creation of digital materials that are not only interoperable between platforms, but also consider whether there is a reliance on the Internet and materials found in resource rich environments.

Ensuring that organizations who focus on an open and inclusive approach to developing education technology and digital learning materials have the required resources, and emphasizing open products and tools development in requests for proposals for funding.

Encouraging decolonizing practices across the education sector so that all races and cultures are represented and valued.

Advancing girls and women education.

Supporting and investing in organizations and individual actors who have the knowledge and experience in co-designing with communities and who put digital equity at the forefront of their work.


The collation and analysis of digitally collected data will underpin effective system transformation. The digital transformation of education systems will not be possible if those systems are opaque with limited clarity about what is taking place at a classroom, district, state or national level
In March 2022 a joint statement from UNICEF, UNESCO and the World Bank pointed out that many countries are “flying blind”, without data to measure whether children had even returned to school after the COVID-19 pandemic. The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) 2021 Results Report spelt out the disastrous lack of education data in many low and middle income countries even more clearly. It noted that in 2020 more than 66% of its partner countries - 41 out of 61- failed to report at least 10 of 12 key indicators to UIS, UNESCO’s Institute for Statistics. “There is a net gain of two countries reporting key data to the UIS between 2015 and 2020,” explained the GPE Report.

The state and national governments and community schools programs underpinned by real-time data gathering and supported by NewGlobe have demonstrated time and again that they are able to drive huge learning gains through evidence-based improvement based on the collation and analysis of micro and macro digital data.
It’s essential that the use of technology is appropriate in every context. NewGlobe’s technology platform has been designed from the ground up and tested for over a decade to operate successfully in variable or low infrastructure environments where there is intermittent power and low network connectivity.All school leaders and teachers are equipped with a specially-designed tablet running a proprietary suite of learning management applications. The technology enables continuous real time data analysis at a micro and macro level within all education systems, enabling an iterative approach to learning and improvement. Digital teacher guides are published to each teacher tablet as part of a digital schedule, providing comprehensive instructional guidance for all subjects and grade levels every day.
Digital Teacher guides are designed based upon cutting edge pedagogical research focused on the science of learning. Teachers preview, practise and deliver all lessons leveraging the instructional guidance on their tablet in the classroom. The technology enables world-class quality lessons, specifically designed to maximize learning to be delivered in every classroom, every day by all teachers. School leaders use a smartphone-based school management application to manage student and teacher performance and attendance, classroom observations and administrative functions. Feedback on learning delivery, student learning outcomes, attendance and other key indicators is provided to teachers, school leaders, government officials and central support teams, who can then make policy and learning decisions based on real time data.
Throughout Covid-19 and school closures, the limitations of digital connectivity in the Global South was seen as one of the reasons for increased learning loss. Connectivity limitations are structurally built into the NewGlobe model with a system designed to operate on 2G, which is ubiquitous in 98% of the world. The digital network uses multiple levels of data caching and offline first capability which works even when network access is limited to just 20 minutes a day of 2G connectivity. The hardware utilized by teachers are designed to be ‘offline first’ with a battery life of two weeks of continuous usage. The hardware and software can be used across entire states and nations, even in communities where access to electricity is sporadic.
NewGlobe’s technologically assisted and digital enabled methodologies are the subject of a new independent study led by the Nobel Prize-winning economist Professor Michael Kremer.
It found that primary students at NewGlobe-supported schools were nearly a year of learning ahead of their counterparts in other schools after two years. Pre-primary students were nearly a year-and-a-half ahead. These effects are in the 99th percentile of effects found for at-scale programs.


As suggested by Mathew Aruch that the summit should propose developing and curating transformative OERs and digital tools across the education landscape that explore social, technical, and environmental dimensions of climate change.
We have enough OERs available and developed by UNESCO also like Worlds Largest lessons to name a few based on the 17 Global Goals.
What is expected and immediately required to be done at the Summit is to declare a Global Curriculum Policy based on the 17 SDG Goals and the best selected OERs maybe declared by UN to be used by member countries in their K-12 schools and teacher education Programs. Thus both digital and Green skills can be imparted through this dual agenda .

Blaise Pascal Andzongo
Blaise Pascal Andzongo

Tout apprentissage numérique doit s'accompagner d'une éducation aux médias et à l'information. Elle permet d'encadrer ces apprentissages et leur donner une visée humaniste.
Les innovations numériques rapides non encadrées peuvent laisser place à des dérapages, il est donc important de développer en tout temps l'esprit critique des consommateurs et producteurs de contenus médiatiques et numériques

Fethi Boutelaa
Fethi Boutelaa

La crise sanitaire de 2019 a provoqué la fermeture des écoles dans de nombreux pays et l’enseignement à distance s’est imposé comme la norme. Les technologies ont permis aux enseignants de s’adapter à cette nouvelle situation, les obligeant à utiliser des plateformes en ligne, des outils numériques afin d’assurer la continuité pédagogique.  
Cela doit nous conduire à porter une réflexion à juste titre sur l’impact des TIC dans l’éducation. Car elles sont vectrices d’un chambardement dans l’environnement de travail de l’enseignant et de l’étudiant.  Même si le numérique peut être bénéfique pour les apprentissages et impacter positivement la motivation , certains chercheurs démontrent que le simple fait d’introduire une technologie dans un enseignement n’est pas plus efficace qu’un enseignement sans technologie. La littérature actuelle indique que les apports du numérique en éducation sont discutables, car ils dépendent de deux éléments fondamentaux, la discipline enseignée et la fonction pédagogique de l’outil.  Bien que l’usage du numérique permette à l’enseignant de rendre certaines activités possibles facilitant l’apprentissage, pour autant il ne contribue pas mécaniquement à un effet favorable sur les apprentissages des apprenants. Selon un rapport du Cnesco (Tricot, 2020) faisant suite à l’analyse de 303 études, il existe des effets positifs de l’usage du numérique dans les fonctions pédagogiques comme rechercher, présenter de l’information, résoudre des problèmes, calculer, apprendre à distance. Mais cela dépend de la manière dont le numérique est mobilisé en classe. Les outils numériques permettent de trouver compendieusement une ressource, d’accéder à une variété d’informations sous divers formats (vidéos, textes etc) et de réaliser cette tâche plus agréablement, dans la perspective des étudiants, que sans l’usage de ces technologies. Par contre l’usage du numérique a un effet négatif lorsqu’il s’agit de lire, de comprendre un texte, coopérer et de prendre des notes. Par exemple dans la prise de notes avec un outil numérique, des chercheurs ont décelé une surcharge cognitive et une baisse de la concentration pendant le cours parmi les élèves.
Si l’accès aux supports pédagogiques est rendu plus accessible avec le numérique il n’entraine ni un changement de la tâche ni des apprentissages, mais les contenus de ces apprentissages et les conditions de mise en œuvre de la tâche sont modifiés.
Penser que le numérique induit une transformation du métier de l'enseignant est probablement une erreur. Car avec le numérique, le métier de l’enseignant n’a pas changé. Il s’agit toujours de concevoir une situation d’enseignement, c’est à dire de définir des objectifs, une progression, et des tâches pour permettre des apprentissages et des outils pour permettre la réalisation de ces tâches. Ce qui change avec le numérique c’est les instruments qu’on va utiliser et cet impact de ce renouvellement d’instrumentation autour de ces activités traditionnelles qu’assurait l’enseignant.
Ainsi on s’inscrit sur des temporalités différentes, les frontières d’espace et de temps tendent à se gommer. Et c’est aussi l’occasion de repenser les processus d’apprentissage et de créer un environnement captivant, en mettant à disposition de l’apprenant des occasions d’apprendre.
En effet, l'utilisation du numérique va permettre de multiplier les occasions d'apprendre, de pouvoir faire du "bricolage", de permettre à l'enseignant d'avoir un retour rapide des données des apprenants.
Mais il ne reste qu'un outil au service de l'apprentissage....

Anas  Abo Saada
Anas Abo Saada

The rapid development imposed on us by global technology requires all of us to put capabilities for the benefit of all mankind and to prepare for a generation concerned with digital and space learning, because what we have witnessed from the developments of new satellite images makes us all in one trench to preserve the climate in an optimal manner, including the introduction of digital learning, space science and climate science In our curricula within one basket concerned with the sustainable development goals


One of the core principles guiding the way we make use of investments and action in digital learning is by placing the most marginalized people at the center to bridge inequalities. What are some solutions we can employ to begin to bridge these inequality gaps?

Hiroko Kanoh
Hiroko Kanoh

Access to the Internet and digital learning materials is an essential element, but I think it is necessary to develop the ability to identify information.
The Internet world is full of deep fake videos and fake news.
There is also a lot of inappropriate information for adolescents.
Gambling is prohibited in Japan, but there are many countries where it is not prohibited, and some of them are involved in illegal activities because they can easily access overseas sites on the Internet.
I think that common global law and education are indispensable on the Internet.
Is education such as the ability to identify disinformation, misinformation, malicious information, etc. a problem covered in this section?

David Moreno
David Moreno

Bootcamps and self-taught training are the most inclusive option for people of all economic resources. They even offer ISA (Income Share Agreement) = Pay the cost of training when you start working and receive a fair and decent salary as a professional of what you have trained

"Free, [affordable] and accessible education will result only in more and more skilled people which will lead to better skilled populations and faster advancement for humanity." by Kamel Bendimerad

So that everyone can benefit from the #RightToEducation, it is necessary to feel the value, success, and usefulness of unofficial education such as Bootcamps or self-taught education in some professional sectors such as programming, graphic design,etc...

All companies and Public institutions should value education through Bootcamps or self-taught education the same or more than official training because a person can be prepared for work in a short time, it is affordable for everyone, they offer many payment facilities (depending on the bootcamp) and it is oriented towards to short-term employability, which is what training mainly seeks: employability.

Bootcamps offer facilities for those who have to study and work because they do not have to be studying for 2 to 4 years to be employable nor do they ask for previous education requirements to be able to study them like official training

The future of learning in some disciplines does not have to be 2-4 years and expensive.

Bootcamps and self-taught training is the most inclusive option for people of all economic resources due to the aforementioned benefits -

Anna Sutton
Anna Sutton

It is encouraging to see that the Transforming Education Summit will prioritise Digital Education. Proper access to the internet is not a luxury, but a necessity and online learning and internet access are the key to bridging the equality gap.

Digital education, closing the digital divide and power, all three are essential if we are to reach out-of-school children and truly transform education.
It would be insufficient for the TES commitments to promote digital learning in isolation. We must also see a tangible commitment to decreasing the digital divide. This means finding solutions for the 258 million children who are out of school as well as supporting students and teachers in schools. It means championing innovative solutions that reach the 40% of the global population who are not connected to the internet and acting quickly to put them into practice. It requires solutions which address the needs of displaced children without access to consistent education. It means creating partnerships with the private sector which are respectful and effective. Hello World has a proven model which achieves this.

Hello World provides an affordable, scalable and simple solution to end the global education deficit and bridge the digital divide. We teach communities to build their own solar-powered, outdoor Internet kiosks— so that underprivileged children and adults can educate themselves, communicate with others, and have a voice in the global community. We call these Hello Hubs. We highlight here the key ways in which our work addresses the digital divide challenge which we hope will be considered in the TES summit.

Internet access: Hello World currently delivers free, unlimited Internet access and ed-tech to 43,000 people in some of the world’s most marginalized communities. From refugee settlements in Uganda, to isolated mountain sides of Nepal, in places where there are no schools, Hello Hubs work as a launch pad for communities. With access to the internet and the hardware on which to use it, we have watched as individuals have taught themselves languages, created small online businesses, learned how to read and write, discovered how to code, undertaken whole online degrees, and so much more.

Software, hardware and power: Hello Hubs provide educational software, AND the hardware on which to use it, as well as solar to power it. They provide shelter and a safe well-lit space for learning and training opportunities for digital literacy. The 8 rugged, public screens offer online and offline applications so that learning is never interrupted. The Hub building process involves the whole community encouraging true diversity and inclusion at every Hub. We have purposeful relationships with our internet service providers who provide free internet and carefully manage internet security to ensure safety online for our users. It is not sufficient to provide any of these in isolation.

Evidence: Evidence is central to our approach. We partner with Impact Measurement specialists 60 Decibels who use their Lean Data approach to survey Hub users and understand the impact our work is having on real people. Hello Hubs are providing self-directed learning opportunities to marginalised communities around the world living at or around internationally recognised poverty lines. Survey results show that the hubs are overwhelmingly and significantly improving the lives of those who use them.

Affordability and Scalability: Innovative, evidenced solutions like ours must be replicable. The equipment we use is locally sourced which decreases our costs, makes devices affordable and enables equipment to be fixed or replaced quickly. We believe in making our work open source. We have written a How To Guide which details every step of building a Hello Hub, including equipment lists, community best practice, complex engineering instructions and maintenance tips and lessons learned.

The Hello World model addresses the enduring challenges that we are all facing in dealing with the digital divide. We successfully provide internet access and education opportunities to the most marginalised with clear capacity to scale. An optimal outcome from this summit would see greater investment in tested solutions like ours which bridge the digital divide in diverse locations, can be replicated quickly and leave no one behind.

Matthew Aruch
Matthew Aruch

Thematic Action Track 4: Digital Learning and Transformation
Climate is not mentioned within action track 4’s discussion paper. Still, we note a few areas where CCE can make digital learning solutions more “inclusive, equitable, relevant, and sustainable.”

First, we agree that digital tools have transformative potential, but like all technologies are embedded with social (political and economic) systems that enable or modify their design and use. High quality, accessible, open education resources are required to help illustrate the global and local impacts of climate change. The discussion paper also notes the limits of digital technologies: “current approaches to digital learning often do not do enough to take advantage of the potential of technology. Too much effort is expended trying to replicate models of in-person instruction in digital spaces. Digital transformation of education demands new types of learning content, new pedagogies, and new ways of leveraging technology” (p.8). We argue the same applies to teaching about climate change. Often, we teach about the environmental or technical dimension of climate without discussion of the social issues inherent in the climate crisis.

The summit should propose developing and curating transformative OERs and digital tools across the education landscape that explore social, technical, and environmental dimensions of climate change.


Totally agree on this aspect. To bring in education for sustainable devlopment(ESD) or some call it as Climate Change education(CCE) as a Common Global Curriculum Policy for K-12 and teacher education based on 17 SDGs is the need of the hour . This will serve dual purpose - with so many OERs available and the best one can be selected or developed in support with UNESCO, UNICEF, GPE..and other multilateral organizations supporting this cause of imparting Digital and Green skills say for example Worlds Largest lessons .
Instead of multiple Tech companies producing similar edtech resources


The TES Climate Change letter with so many signatories involved should not let this historic opportunity to go and make CCE compulsory in the curriculum . UNICEF may declare one OER as final to be used and the UNICEF country offices in every member country can work on the Localisation of the SDG Curriculum dealing with just one edtech company from each member country selected by the concerned government . Thats the best way to avoid too many cooks spoil the broth logic- in this case the edtech companies.

Tihomir Divjak
Tihomir Divjak

Our initiative, Bottom-up proposal "Africa eLearning eHealth Satellite Project” - AeLeHSP, represents a sophisticated, modern: Anytime - anywhere, Turn-key, Plug and Play solution. It is comprehensive: contains hardware - terrestrial-space technology, as well as an educational - curriculum and skills program content segment.
AeLeHSP Case Study has been drafted as feasibility, cost benefit analysis by the TFG “Lake Chad Region Alliance”, indicating the size of the investment and the specific concept of the Pilot project implementation in Nigeria. Offering knowledge, primary and permanent education to children and adults, as well as medical and health care, gender and similar aspects is the answer and precondition for normal life in rural areas, as well as IDP camps.
Climatic changes in post COVID era, the need for education, the launching of start-ups, to encourage young entrepreneurs in the developing world in the near future is included in the proposal for the realization of the Pilot project in Nigeria to be realized early next school year.
Would like to present our philanthropic initiative during TES.

Tihomir Divjak
Tihomir Divjak

Actually, 57 million children of the poorest population living in the Sub-Sahara Region and South Asia are not enrolled in school. Bearing in mind this fact, we have launched an AeLeHSP initiative to realize primary education via "Satellite Schools", as the most efficient and economical solution to solve this problem, by using and implementing satellite BB Internet systems. Educating children, to achieve a decent, better future life than the current ghettoization-one for the poorest and IDP suffering population is one of the essential goals before 2030 in Africa. All children, no matter where they live or what their circumstances are, have the right to quality education.

Geneva Global EiE Hub
Geneva Global EiE Hub

On behalf of the Geneva Global EiE Hub:

Additional elements to be considered in ensuring quality education within EiE contexts:
- Develop solutions that ensure recognition of teacher and student credentials and of EiE programs across borders and by the global community
- Protect vulnerable migrating and displaced children with regards to online safety, data misuse and mishandling, and the potential for self-exclusion, and recognize that these populations may have low digital literacy skills putting them at greater risk online and hindering effective digital learning
- Strengthen evidence generation and use in guiding the planning, evidence-based programme design and policymaking
- Empower teachers
- Need for localization and context-specific approaches, including language of instruction and cultural considerations of the affected population, low-resource and low-connectivity considerations (including offline, blended learning and paper-based solutions)
- Ensure all levels of education are considered in the application of digital learning, including early childhood and higher education – that can be neglected in emergencies
- Recognize the hierarchy of needs during an emergency (food, shelter, water, health and safety) which means that education is not an immediate priority and enable digital learning solutions for emergency preparedness and rapid response

Identified areas for key investments:
- Research and evidence-building on what works, for whom, under what conditions and at what cost
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles in content development
- Ongoing engagement with private sector and technology providers for a common language and agreement on principles
- Child safeguarding and data protection – ensuring programmes are safe to use and do not cause any harm, with all EdTech programmes including a risk assessment for child safeguarding. This was not just linked to digital safety but also potential risks to schools and learners who are in possession of devices (particularly in more fragile contexts).
- Community engagement and ownership and community-led content, crucial for uptake of digital learning
- Investing in a holistic learning ecosystem (technology-supported learning, digital competencies, evidence-gathering, curriculum-aligned content, etc.) as much as generating new materials
- Digital solutions to support remedial learning in response to school closures
- Alignment with radical inclusion approach – reaching the most marginalized
- Support for and inclusion in public systems, not in parallel and/or informal systems
- Post-secondary digital learning opportunities

- Non-digital approaches to distance learning that may be more effective in EiE
- Digital learning risks of leaving the most marginalized behind, including children in hard-to-reach conflict areas and children with disabilities
- Non-accreditation - using digital solutions that have content that is not accredited or in line with the education curriculum
- Potential harm in testing new approaches on marginalized populations that cannot further sustain failure

- Cross-sectoral collaborations (across the government and with the private sector, for instance) to enable ensure free, quality digital learning for all

Example Good Practices
- Community consultation, including with children, starting from design, and ensuring that programmes are representative of communities
- Open design processes with key education stakeholders and local Ed tech firms helping to define problems and use cases for digital solutions
- Data visualization to inform decision making by government officials at district level


In line with “Principle 2: Expand investments in free, public high-quality digital learning” and “assuring users have adequate and stable connections [and] appropriate devices”, it is necessary to develop a comprehensive sustainable strategy to implement a supply chain that guarantees that all students and teachers have access to an adequate personal computer device with internet connection and respective reliable support services.

Such sustainable strategy must be anchored in a sustainable supply chain that provides computer devices and related services that are aligned with the development of skills and competencies, enabling the creation of jobs and add economic value at the local level.

The relevant investments required to deliver a long-term solution to provide and maintain, in good operational conditions, computer devices to all students and teachers, call for the implementation of an holistic approach in which economic value is added to the local economy and jobs are created locally, making such allocation of resources economically sustainable and in line with “Principle 1: (…) to ensure inclusive access to digital learning opportunities for all”, allowing to “build ecosystems” and able to promote “the design of technology solutions that protect and promote gender, cultural, and linguistic diversities”.

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